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What they say
“That commercial and community stations are working together to benefit Exeter is commendable.” – Rt Hon Ben Bradshaw MP
“We know the people behind ExeDab have the skills, talent and knowledge to bring an important new service to Exeter and to run it for the community.” – Exeter Business Improvement District
“Both Exeter broadcasters behind ExeDab, Radio Exe and Phonic, are impressive organisations committed to Exeter and that have proven ability in running radio stations in this city.” – Exeter City Council
“There is no more suitable company with a commitment to this city than Radio Exe, but the fact it is joined in its application by Phonic and Riviera FM and several other community stations in its list of services shows just how rooted in the community ExeDab will be.” – Exeter Community Centre
“ExeDAB has the skills, knowledge and resources to provide an excellent service to Exeter and the surrounding area. They have our support.” - Exeter College
“I applaud the spirit of collaboration between Radio Exe and its community radio neighbour, Phonic FM. Combined, they have the local knowledge, expertise & experience to make a success of small-scale DAB.” Simon Jupp MP
“People behind ExeDAB have close links to the university. Its chair, Dr David Treharne, is a former Exeter University lecturer. Managing director Paul Nero is an alumnus. Their respective organisations maintain regular contact with the university, allowing our students and staff access to the airwaves, or providing mentoring or internship opportunities.” – University of Exeter
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